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"Goin' Back Out" Next:

Goin' Back Out is a song from the Broken Karaoke shorts. It is sung by the Green family, Remy, Gloria, and is a parody of "Break This Down" from Descendants 3.

It serves as a sequel to Stuck at Home.


In this video, the Greens and their friends celebrate by going back out to places in person since the COVID-19 lockdowns ended thanks in large part to the vaccines.




Tilly: Places, family! We're singing another catchy song about the state of the world!
Gramma: PASS!
Bill: C'mon Ma, it'll be fun!
Cricket: Yeah! Let's do this!
Gramma: Okay.

[Verse 1:]

For so long we've been waiting
Not to be stuck inside

There has been so much grief and sorrow
It's time to turn the tide

No more wearing PJs all day

Dine out, get yourself a filet

Love sports when the crowd goes wild

At last, I'll get my hair styled

No more dumb doom scrolling,
I'd rather go bowling!

Reunions with loved ones will be surreal
But oh so fun like


Can't believe

It's really you!

Cricket, Remy:
I haven't seen you in a lifetime!


We're gonna go back out!
Take life in a new route!
Throw loud parties and shout!


See movies on the big screen!
Thank goodness for the vaccine!

[Verse 2:]

I know we had plans for lockdown

I tried to get a six-pack
Only got four.

Must finish painting my clown collection

Don't sweat the small stuff,
Cut yourself some slack!

[Verse 3:]

Cricket, Remy:
No more stupid video chat

Ride the train, say hello to a rat

Spa time! I'll get a back massage

I'll be chillin' with my entourage

Pets will be happy when
The house is theirs again

Face to face we will meet and probably stumble when we greet like...

Let's shake hands?
Or bump hands?
I don't recall how to be social!!


We're goin' back outside!
Zip down those theme park rides!

Cricket: Look Ma! No hands!


Thank those who saved our lives!
Not stuck at home anymore!
It's time to hit the dance floor!
There's a whole world to explore!

Goin' back, goin' back, g-g-goin' back out
Goin' back, goin' back, g-g-goin' back out
Goin' back, goin' back, g-g-goin' back out
Goin' back, goin' back, g-g-goin' back out! (Tilly: out!)


Cricket: Hey, now that the world is going back to normal, I no longer need to wash my hand!
Bill: Cricket, you still have to wash your hands.
Cricket: (being bummed out by still washing his hands) Ah! Seriously? (and he finally processes to wash his hands)


Click here to view the image gallery for Goin' Back Out.
Click here to view the gallery for Goin' Back Out.


  • This is the first Broken Karaoke short to not start with the karaoke stage opening; instead it opens with a music video title.
    • Therefore, it's the first short all together to not truly be considered a karaoke video.
  • This is the first song that Gloria sings, not counting her brief "perfect rating" ditty in "Boss Life".
    • Her voice actress has already sung before as Sasha Waybright for the Amphibia episode "Battle of the Bands" and Sasha's Theme Song Takeover.
  • The opening scene is an edited version of the Green house from "Welcome Home", with a blue filter added.
  • Some of the scenes are from past episodes. In those scenes, some of the characters' mouths were reanimated so that they are lip-syncing to the words, sometimes changing expressions, or replacing specific characters.
    • In the line "Dine out, get yourself a filet," Bill is seen in Sea Fusïon as the snobby waiter serves him a fish fillet; in said scene, Bill's face is reanimated to a smile, and the waiter's mouth is frozen.
    • However, Bill is not allowed back in there after the family got banned from there in "Fill Bill".
    • The scene from "I, Farmbot" when Bill is pushed into the sun by Tilly and Gramma has been reanimated to have Bill's mouth frozen right when his face comes into the light.
    • The scene where Gloria says, "What?! I'm sorry, I can't hear you!" was taken from "Clubbed", with rotating disco lights added.
    • Scenes from "Ding Dongers" and "Steak Night" were used with Remy and Tilly's lips being reanimated so they would lip-sync to the words.
    • The scene of Cricket, Tilly, and Remy riding the Cheap Coaster in "Bear Trapped" was used, except Daisy was replaced with Bill.
  • Contrary to what the song's message is about, the video was released when the COVID-19 Pandemic was technically not yet over and was at one of its lowest points; so still, people are still catching the virus but the cases are decreasing, and with that, some citizens are keeping their masks on, getting vaccinated, and doing the positive test.
    • The video was also released five months after the first case of the new Omicron variant.
    • Some states also have their indoor mask mandates reinstated after an increase in their towns.
  • The video was re-uploaded on the same day to include a heart transition to the Broken Karaoke logo, and with the addition of a stinger featuring Cricket claiming he doesn't have to wash his hands anymore but Bill tells him he still has to, much to his chagrin.
  • In the second part of each verse, the vocals were lowered down by two pitches from the original, possibly to better suit the voice actors and that they couldn't hit multiple notes that high.
  • When Gloria says "I'd rather go bowling," she is shown at Rainbow Lanes purchasing the bowling shoes from Sarah, the same person and place Tilly prank called in "Tilly Calls the Future".


  • Saxon is once again in his pre-Axin' Saxon appearance before Nancy destroyed him, instead of his "2.0" appearance from when he got repaired.
  • In the line "Thank goodness for the vaccine," Cricket's sleeve is partially miscolored when he rolls it down.
  • The lyric verse, "Throw loud parties and shout" and "Ride the train, say hello to a rat" was scripted as "Throw up our knees and shout" and "Rather try and say hello to a rat" respectively in the closed captions on both YouTube and DisneyNOW.



ve Shorts List
Country Kids in the City 1. Hog Ride • 2. Tea Party • 3. The Last Donut • 4. Duck Sandwich • 5. Bee Tree • 6. Secret Cat • 7. Tilly's Cats
Theme Song Takeover 1. Gramma Theme Song Takeover • 2. Bill Theme Song Takeover • 3. Milo & Meg Theme Song Takeover • 4. Baby City Greens • 5. Vasquez Theme Song Takeover • 6. Remy Theme Song Takeover • 7. Andromeda Theme Song Takeover
Random Rings, Season 1 1. Cricket Calls a Karate School • 2. Cricket Calls a Party Store • 3. Cricket Calls a Spa • 4. Cricket and Tilly Call a Piano Teacher • 5. Cricket Calls a Grocery Store • 6. Tilly Calls a Library • 7. Cricket Calls a Pawn Shop • 8. Tilly Calls a Hotel • 9. Cricket Calls an Aquarium • 10. Cricket Calls a Pet Store • 11. Tilly and Cricket Call Raven Symoné!
Random Rings, Season 2 1. Telemarketer Calls the Greens • 2. Gramma Calls an Electronics Store • 3. Dr. Doofenshmirtz Calls Gramma • 4. Cricket and Tilly Call Dr. Doofenshmirtz • 5. Tilly Calls the Future • 6. Cricket and Tilly Call Area 51 • 7. Tilly Calls a Magician
Random Rings, Season 3 1. Cricket Pranks Raven • 2. Santa Calls Cricket • 3. Cricket Pranks Chandler • 4. Tilly Tests Trevor
Random Rings, Season 4 1. Tilly and Cricket Call a Pizzeria • 2. Launchpad Calls Cricket • 3. Tilly Calls Meg
Random Rings, Season 5 1. Cricket Calls Zombies
Random Rings, Season 6 1. Cricket Calls the NHL • 2. The Greens Call the NHL • 3. Cricket Calls the MLB
Broken Karaoke 1. Queen of Nice • 2. Doof Sings Deck the Halls • 3. Stuck at Home • 4. Where Are All the Monsters? • 5. Monsterman • 6. Goin' Back Out • 7. Sidekicks • 8. We're Goin' Offline • 9. Ways We Feel Anxious • 10. Santa Gave My Grandson Coal for Christmas • 11. Born to be Strange • 12. Evil As Can Be • 13. Tweenage Farm Kid
Miss Tilly's Fun Time TV Minute 1. Meg Donnelly • 2. Trevor Tordjman • 3. Ariel Martin • 4. Siena Agudong • 5. Shelby Simmons • 6. The Houghton Brothers •7. Israel Johnson • 8. Izabela Rose • 9. Max the Goat
Lip Switch 1. Zombies • 2. The Santa Clause
Chibi Tiny Tales, Season 1 1. Turkey Tussle • 2. Christmas Crashers • 3. Say it Ain't Snow
Chibi Tiny Tales, Season 2 1. Big City Greens Christmas Marathon
Chibi Tiny Tales, Season 3 1. Doof Falls for Gramma • 2. Breakfast Land! • 3. Tower of Terror
Chibi Tiny Tales, Season 4 1. Prune Wars • 2. Tilly & Cricket Rescue Saxon • 3. Big City Greens Prank War!
How NOT to Draw 1. Cricket Green • 2. Tilly Green
Misc. Big City Greens: Road TripBig City Greens: ShortsgivingBig City Greens: ShortstoberThe Ghost and Molly McGee: Spring Shorts-tacularZOMBI-Thon with Big City GreensShortsmas with Big City GreensSummer Shortstacular with Big City GreensChibiverseCountry Club test animation

ve Songs
Season 1 Fun, Fun, FunLittle Plants DanceI Love Selling Hot DogsTilly's Bird SongToday Is A-OKBarry CudaLife is All About Your Point of ViewGreens' HoedownFuntopia
Season 2 The Best Part of ChristmasGood Deeds are Good IndeedIf I Can't Have ChristmasChristmas is HereChristmas is BustedNo Christmas At AllThe Best Part of Christmas (Reprise)Farming SongBaby, I Could Buy Your DadRalphie Rodent's Birthday BashLet's All Go to the BeachMiss Tilly's Fun Time TV HourGnome SongCrispy's Sundae ChallengeCricket Was Right About DadRemy, Remy, Not So ReadyI Got a Hundred DollarsMy Name is Bill GreenHappy Birthday to YouBanana SongCan't Never Give Up (My Pickup Truck)Back Off!Ask My KazooThinking Is HardSing My SongI Love Love Love, Love Love Love, Love YouCommunity Center SongWe Blortin'Burgs and Fries
Season 3 MonstermanAngelina See-Saw McFeatherhatWe Love Pickin' BerriesRemember the TimesBill Green's Planting SongWhat Do I Do?When I Get HomeAnything Can Be Fun!My UsualTake It To The MaxMy Only EnemyJoy to the WorldGather Round, Ye FamilyThat's What Best Friends DoWorking Together Makes Everything Better
Season 4 We've Got CauliflowerCarrotsKludge Don't Budge!Hand WalkersScarf-Eaze Massagers are the Best!Sneaky Snacker is the Way to Go!I Like Cabbage, You Like CabbageAll Kinds of LegumesNothing Competes-a with Mama Roni's PizzaWe Got Homegrown CornMama Roni'sHe's BillHappy as Can BeI Found My PeopleFamily Tree EndingGalaxu Theme SongYou Get MeThe Greens Can Do AnythingDeck the HallsSilent NightThe Spirit of ChristmasO Christmas Tree
Themes Theme SongDo It All Again
Movie Green Family VacationRules RapSpace Is FunSpace Is Fun (Reprise)Gwendolyn's LamentStuff I SaidGreen Family Vacation (Reprise)
Theme Song Takeover Gramma Theme Song TakeoverBill Theme Song TakeoverMilo & Meg Theme Song TakeoverBaby City GreensVasquez Theme Song TakeoverRemy Theme Song TakeoverAndromeda Theme Song Takeover
Broken Karaoke Queen of NiceDoof Sings Deck the HallsStuck at HomeWhere Are All the Monsters?MonstermanGoin' Back OutSidekicksWe're Goin' OfflineWays We Feel AnxiousSanta Gave My Grandson Coal for ChristmasBorn to be StrangeEvil As Can BeTweenage Farm Kid
Promotional songs Movin' to Gramma's HouseBingo-BangoWerk WeekendSaturday NightGrateful for the GreensDecember SaturdaysEarly Saturday Morning • Big City Greens x Line Rider
Unused songs Tell a Story, Whatcha SeeThank You