The following is a list of all characters that have appeared in Big City Greens .
Main Characters
First Appearance
Cricket Green
The main protagonist of the show. He's the 10-year old grandson of Gramma Alice, a younger brother to Tilly, and a son to Bill.
"Space Chicken "
Tilly Green
The 12-year old granddaughter of Gramma Alice, a daughter to Bill, and older sister to Cricket.
"Space Chicken "
Bill Green
The son of Gramma Alice, the father of Cricket and Tilly, and is Nancy's ex-husband.
"Space Chicken "
"Gramma" Alice Green
The cranky mother to Bill, and grandmother to Cricket and Tilly, and the matriach of the Green family.
"Space Chicken "
Nancy Mulligan
Cricket and Tilly's rebellious mother and Bill's ex-wife.
"Phoenix Rises "
Remy Remington
Cricket's best friend, and the 10-year old son of Russell and Rashida Remington .
"Space Chicken "
Gloria Sato
A former barista at Big Coffee and an eventual friend and former co-worker of Cricket.
"Space Chicken "
Supporting Characters
First Appearance
The Green Family's pet dog.
"Space Chicken "
Tilly's homemade sack doll.
"Cricketsitter "
Officer Keys
An optimistic police officer in Big City.
"Cricket Versus "
Brett Eze
A cool guy and animal shelter worker who lives in the apartment next door to the Greens.
"Tilly's Goat "
Russell Remington
The father of Remy and Rashida Remington's husband. He is known for being a star football player.
"Remy Rescue "
Rashida Remington
The mother of Remy and Russell Remington’s wife.
"Remy Rescue "
A paranormal fanatic and best friend of Tilly.
"Gargoyle Gals "
Chip Whistler
The main antagonist of Seasons 1 and 2. He is the former manager, and now CEO, of Wholesome Foods and the Greens' arch-nemesis.
"Supermarket Scandal "
A small kid who is a friend of Kiki and Weezie and admires, and is a friend of, Cricket.
"Swimming Fool "
A laid back kid who is a friend of Benny and Kiki and an admirer, and friend, of Cricket.
"Cricket's Shoes"
An eccentric girl who is a friend of Benny and Weezie, and an admirer, and friend, of Cricket.
"Swimming Fool"
Remy's staunch and loyal bodyguard.
"Remy Rescue "
Gabriella Espinosa
A fun-loving girl who's sweet but a rambunctious prankster, and Cricket's girlfriend.
"Valentine's Dance "
A grouchy kid who is always angry about every little thing.
"Cricket's Tickets "
He is the husband of Mrs. Mulligan, father of Nancy Green and maternal grandfather of Cricket and Tilly Green.
"Greens' Acres "
Minor Characters
Recurring Characters
See also