The Greens get a phone call from a telemarketer selling solar panel systems, but Cricket and Tilly mishear her and think they're getting superhero powers to fight crime!
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New subscribe card.
This video marks the debut of the 2020-2024 "subscribe" card at the end of all YouTube videos, removing the suggested video view and just having Cricket and Tilly on a blue screen. This was because YouTube disabled suggested videos, comments, and annotations on all children-related videos due to the impact of COPPA since October 2019. It also marks the first short to not feature endcard dialogue since there's nothing to click on the video.
The images of Cricket and Tilly in the endcard are taken from "Gramma's License" and "Bear Trapped", respectively. Cricket's image is also edited to have his left arm at his side instead of leaning out.
Saxon is shown in his pre-Axin' Saxon appearance before Nancy destroyed him, suggesting that this short takes place before that episode.
This is the only episode where the Greens are called instead of them calling someone.
Tilly mentions the Tilly Tornado from "Coffee Quest".
The events of this short were mentioned in "Santa Calls Cricket" as part of Gramma's naughty list.
Trish shares the same model as the boring anchorwoman from "Volunteer Tilly" but lacks earrings.