Two centuries before Big City Greens[]
- Sometime during the very early 1800's, Jerome Green and his son Bixby found the Green Family House on the farmland that will become Big City many years later. The place they build their house is supposed to be a train stop, but instead the train keeps going and threatens the Greens into selling their home. Bixby decides to use his horse to sell their produce to the train passengers as they are traveling, thus saving them and their farm.
A century before Big City Greens[]
- Alice Green's unnamed grandmother (and presumably Archibald Green's wife) wrestles five boars, thus completing the Green Family Rite of Passage and earning her the Green family name.
- During an aphid storm, Archibald Green nearly sells the farm, so his daughter Metrona collects ladybugs and spreads them out of her plane like a crop duster, thus saving the farm.
1943 (78 years before Big City Greens)[]
- On October 10, 1943, Alice Delores "Gramma" Green is born to unnamed parents. This strict and tough old woman is the mother of Bill Green and the grandmother of Cricket and Tilly Green and is an important figure in this timeline.
Approximately 70 years before Big City Greens[]
- Alice Green's father is about to sell the farm during a dry season, but with her quick thinking, Alice manages to find water hidden underneath and saves the farm.
- Alice constantly avoids the dentist, losing all her teeth in an unknown incident, and had to wear dentures, although she could have been exaggerating when she told this to Cricket in "Hurty Tooth".
- In her tween years, Alice fights a bear, thus completing the Green Family Rite of Passage and earning her the Green family name.
- Nick Mulligan is born.
Approximately 50 years before Big City Greens[]
- Alice becomes a skilled racer nicknamed "Hot Rod Alice" ("Gramma's License"). Sometime later, she retires and her license expires.
- Alice encounters a man named Ernest, who constantly follows her around doing menial favors for her. Both eventually develop likeness for each other, and begin to date.
- Ernest proposes to Alice with his mother's necklace, and she accepts, under the condition he takes her last name.
- Ernest and Alice get married.
- Alice loses her leg and it is replaced with a prosthetic lookalike.
- Nancy Green is born to Nick and one of his ex-wives.
1980 (40 years before Big City Greens)[]
- Alice gives birth to a son named Bill Green outside Greasy Gus's ("Super Gramma!"). However, Bill remembers his birth differently; he says he was born in the plumbing section of a hardware store ("DIY Guys").
Approximately 38 years before Big City Greens[]
- Ernest passes away of an unknown cause, some time after Bill's birth.
- Gwendolyn Zapp is born, claiming to be born herself and with two brains in her head.
- In her kindergarten years, Gwendolyn Zapp is tasked by her teacher, Ms. Kay, to draw her future; she draws a photo of her harvesting vegetables in space. Ms. Kay laughs and calls it a fantasy, causing Gwendolyn to hold a grudge against her.
1990-1992 (28-30 years before Big City Greens)[]
- As a child, Bill tames a hawk (which nearly tears him in half, leaving a scar on his chest), thus completing the Green Family Rite of Passage and earning him the Green Family name.
- The farm is threatened to be sold once again by a farmer named Mr. Quisling who wants land development, so Bill decides to act up and make money. ("Greens' Acres")
- Bill gets banned from all the farm chores after nearly getting his finger severed in the hay baler (which would eventually happen to him as an adult).
- Bill meets Nancy Mulligan, daughter of local con artist Nick Mulligan, who chides him into blackmailing children at Joe's Arcade to get cash, but they are eventually caught for their crimes and jailed.
- With no other way to save the farm, Bill and Alice accept Mr. Quisling's offer and sell the farm to him, downsizing it. Mr. Quisling soon sells his plans to the developers of Big City, resulting in it eventually expanding and built around the grounds of the Green house and Greasy Gus's, to Alice's dismay.
- During Bill's preteen-adolescent years, he develops a dream to become a gymnast. After a lot of training from Alice, Bill becomes a great gymnast and even earns the nickname "Backflip Bill". However, just as he is about to professionally compete at the local gym, When Bill decides to just "go out there and have some fun", his mother taunts him - "Sure, we'll have lotsa fun, Billy boy... IF YOU THINK IT'S FUN TO LOSE!", leading to Bill quitting.
- Nick gets banned from certain US states that are unspecified.
Approximately 22-23 years before Big City Greens[]
- Bill and Nancy grow closer, despite Alice trying to keep them apart.
- Eventually, Bill and Nancy marry, and Nancy wrestles a wolverine, thus completing the Green Family Rite of Passage and earning her the Green family name. Bill and Nancy later go on their honeymoon.
- Bill starts, and moves to, his own house in Smalton, and starts his own farm.
- Miriam Cho becomes the owner of the local cafe, Big Coffee.
- Mr. Whistler becomes CEO of Wholesome Foods. Chip Whistler, Mr. Whistler's power hungry and conniving son, would become the manager of one of its stores.
- Mr. Grigorian loses his wife Nadine, and most of his friends, leaving him with only his cat Anoush.
- A Japanese-American girl named Gloria Sato is born in Bedford Park. Gloria will one day move from her hometown in the suburbs to Big City, where she'll get a job at local cafe Big Coffee, and become friends and co-workers with Cricket Green.
- Gloria enrolls in art school for 4 years.
- Gloria has her first panic attack at half Cricket's age.
- Gwendolyn becomes the CEO of BigTech, forming more grudges over whoever "wronged" her.
Around 10-12 years before Big City Greens[]
- Tilly Green, soon-to-be big sister of Cricket and granddaughter of Gramma Alice, is born to Bill and Nancy Green.
- Remy Remington, the only son of Rashida and Russell Remington, is born on the day of Russell's big game, who runs out on purpose to see him. Russell tries to get him to pitch him a football, but fails; suddenly, Remy impossibly stands on his own, grabs the football, and says his first words: "I am no baby! I am a MAN!", and tosses the football which plows Russell through the wall. Remy will one day meet and become best friends with Cricket and Tilly Green.
- Vasquez, aka Tiger Fang, quits the Order of the Fang and becomes Remy's bodyguard.
Ten years before Big City Greens[]
- Cricket Green, Tilly's little brother, Remy's future best friend, Gloria's future friend and co-worker, and grandson of Gramma Alice, is born to Bill and Nancy Green.
- The Green Family barn gets struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. In the morning, Nancy Green finds a puppy buried in the soot, and gives her a bath. The soot washes off the puppy's fur, revealing that she is actually red. Nancy gives the puppy to her son Cricket, and the family names her Phoenix.
- Bill's finger gets severed due to a hay baler incident.
- Remy enrolls in music school to take violin lessons as instructed by his parents to do so.
- Nancy quits the Stingers to spend time with her family, but they take it as an act of betrayal and vow revenge.
- Bill and Nancy divorce.
2 years before Big City Greens[]
- Gloria, now about 20-21 years old, graduates college and moves from the suburbs into Big City, where she gets a job working at local cafe Big Coffee. She lies to her parents and tells them she's a freelance illustrator instead, hoping to impress her like they did with her cousin Emily.
A year before Big City Greens[]
- The summer prior to the move to Big City, Cricket attempts to dig his deepest hole yet. He succeeds, but it goes too well and ends up getting trapped. Phoenix arrives, presumably going to get help, but she jumps in with him instead. Luckily, her fur trail led Bill right to the hole, and both were eventually rescued.
A short time before Big City Greens[]
- At one point, Tilly Green tames a wild stallion named Frederico (whom she describes as "a horse of great moral character"), thus completing the Green Family Rite of Passage and earning her the Green family name.
- The Greens' country farm suffers financial debt thanks to losing popularity to various industrial works such as Mass Dairy Factory Farms ("Chipocalypse Now").
- Wanting to help the family, Nancy breaks into Mass Dairy Factory Farms to release a bunch of cows that were being held there. As she tries to escape, she is caught and arrested by the police ("Uncaged").
- Due to loss of budget and profits, the Greens' country farm is closed and taken over by a wealthy family.
- With the country farm taken away by the bank, Bill decides move the family to the original Green house in Big City to live with Alice; the kids didn't take this well.
- The day of the move, Cricket is still upset at leaving his old home behind, so Bill fills a jar with dirt from the cornfield so he has part of the country with him.
- The Greens' old house is put up for sale, but no one buys it as the years come and go.
Series events[]
Season 1 (Year 1)[]
- Cricket, now 10 years old, moves with his now 12-year-old sister Tilly, and their father Bill, from the countryside into Big City, after having lost their farm. ("Welcome Home")
- Once there, Cricket gets so excited that he shows Tilly and Bill all the amazing sights of the city, including a street vendor giving out free energy drinks and a whole flock of pigeons whom Tilly feeds some crumbs. However, due to the complicated signs in Big City, Bill's truck is mistakenly towed away by a towing company, leaving the Greens stranded. ("Welcome Home")
- The Greens try their best to navigate through the city and make it to Gramma's house in time, but they get lost until they find the same tow truck taking another car. ("Welcome Home")
- They hitch a ride on said car to Big City Towing, where they find their truck and try to retrieve it, when suddenly they are all attacked by a trio of angry, vicious guard dogs. ("Welcome Home")
- The Greens manage to fight the dogs back, and escape Big City Towing with their truck. ("Welcome Home")
- The Greens eventually reach Gramma's house and live there with her. ("Welcome Home")
- Cricket tries to launch a chicken into space. ("Space Chicken")
- Cricket and Tilly meet Remy Remington, and become best friends almost instantly, despite having little to nothing in common. ("Space Chicken")
- Cricket meets Gloria, though they get off on the wrong foot. ("Space Chicken")
- Cricket accidentally loses the steak for the family steak night on the subway. ("Steak Night")
- Between June-September on Wednesday in the second week, Cricket wrestles Gramma and pins her down by sundown, completing the Green Family rite of passage and earning him the Green Family name. ("Cricket Versus")
- Cricket and his family go to the Big City Community Center at the pool, where Cricket tries to jump from the high dive, Tilly searches for treasure supposedly hidden in the pool, Bill tries to relax in the hot tub, and Gramma tries to soak her toes without anyone messing up her new hairdo. ("Swimming Fool")
- Cricket meets Benny and his friends Carlos and Kiki. ("Swimming Fool")
- Tilly enters Melissa the goat in a dog show. ("Tilly's Goat")
- Cricket causes damage to Big Coffee and gets a job there with Gloria, and they soon become friends. ("Critterball Crisis")
- Cricket and Bill learn to put aside their differences and work together to rid their home of a clan of rabid raccoons that Gramma supposedly took care of years ago. ("Raccooned")
- After many years of her old driver's license being expired, Gramma finally takes the driver's test and gets a new, albeit restricted, one (she can't drive on freeways or at night). ("Gramma's License")
- Bill opens up Green Family Farms in Big City. ("Supermarket Scandal")
- Tilly brings her homemade sack doll, Saxon, to work, and introduces him to Bill and Cricket. ("Supermarket Scandal")
- The Greens (except Gramma and Nancy) meet Chip Whistler, the sleazy manager of rival supermarket Wholesome Foods. ("Supermarket Scandal")
- Chip gets his tooth chipped by eating one of Cricket's fake fruits, and becomes the Greens' enemy. ("Supermarket Scandal")
- Tilly accidentally causes Cricket to injure his arm and they go to the doctors. ("Cricketsitter")
- Alice has a checkup at the doctors that goes surprisingly well. ("Cricketsitter")
- Bill has some tests done at the doctors. ("Cricketsitter")
- Tilly crashes into Cricket which fixes his arm. ("Cricketsitter")
- Bill remembers his childhood dream of becoming a gymnast and explains to Cricket and Tilly why he never achieved it. ("Backflip Bill")
- Bill competes in the competition and wins 6th place. ("Backflip Bill")
- Cricket buys a singing fish toy called Barry Cuda. ("Barry Cuda")
- Tilly attempts to raise three baby birds but she discovers they love Cricket more. ("Mama Bird")
- Bill tricks the Greens into getting a family photo taken at the mall to their dismay, and they do whatever they can to go to the food court instead. ("Photo Op")
- Due to missing violin classes, instead opting to play with Cricket and Tilly, Remy almost gets sent to boarding school. ("Remy Rescue")
- Parade Day comes to Big City, and Cricket leads the parade to Big Coffee so Gloria can see it, as she herself has always wanted to see the parade but never got to since Parade Day is the busiest day at the cafe and she gets heavy work. ("Parade Day")
- Big City holds its Food Truck Round-Up, and the Greens seemingly suffer a possible curse from a blue potato. ("Blue Tater")
- Cricket stops his hatred of bears when he meets one going loose in Big City, and bonds with it. ("Bear Trapped")
- Remy learns to be self-reliant on a trip to the hardware store. ("DIY Guys")
- Bill learns to get help in really dangerous situations. ("DIY Guys")
- During a day trip to the country, the Greens get stuck in a traffic jam because of a vicious deer gone loose in the street, whom Bill calms down and embraces the place where he lives in the progress. ("Gridlocked")
- The Greens spend the night at Comfy Suites when Gramma gets sick of their antics, but soon misses them and tries to sabotoge their fun so they can come home. ("Suite Retreat")
- Tilly meets her future best friend Andromeda. ("Gargoyle Gals")
- The Greens (except Nancy) get banned from Sea Fusion due to Cricket and Tilly's antics. ("Fill Bill")
- The Greens' house is threatened to be sold by Don and Dawn of Don & Don Reatlors, prompting Gramma to issue a secret treasure hunt that could save it. The kids follow the clues to the riddles and eventually find a suitcase of junk, which is revealed to be mementos of their ancestors from the past and serves as a warning to not back down, and encourage Gramma to keep the farm alive. She refuses the offer and sends the realtors away, saving the farm. ("Family Legacy")
- Cricket scribbles all over Gloria's paintings, making them famous, but takes all the credit when Vuka Vukojrvich wants them in her gallery. ("Paint Misbehavin'")
- Cricket experiences his first PG-13 movie, Kiss of Death, which is nothing that he expected it would be. ("Rated Cricket")
- Cricket puts up his house on, and their visitors annoy the heck out of them. However, the money earned ended up going to Gloria due to it being set up on her phone. ("Homeshare Hoedown")
- The Greens celebrate their first Halloween in Big City, and a blood moon causes the animals (except Phoenix and Dirtbag) to temporarily become man-eating zombies. ("Blood Moon")
- Cricket gets the flu and asks his family to fill in for him. ("Cricket's Shoes")
- Gloria wins Employee of the Month for the third month in a row after Cricket joined. ("Cricket's Shoes")
- At the Farmer's Market, Cricket encounters Chip again and tries to sell more than him, leading to an all-out war. However, Tilly tells him to stop and declare enough is enough, but Chip sees this as forfeiting and pelts Cricket with tomatoes, causing most of his workers to quit and the customers to never shop at Wholesome Foods again, resulting in a decrease in population for the store. ("Feud Fight")
- Gramma tries the scorching hot Sultan Pepper, and is immune to it. ("Feud Fight")
- Gramma meets Chip Whistler. ("Feud Fight")
- Bill grows a giant watermelon which Cricket tries to get on the news, but Cricket steals the spotlight. ("Breaking News")
- Cricket and his friends are attacked by the Cyber Knights, the meanest online bullies in Big City, and Cricket manages to help them stand up to them with a drone fight. ("Cyberbullies")
- Tilly takes Gramma on a Big City tour to help her get used to her surroundings. ("Tilly Tour")
- Cricket and Bill try to renovate the bathroom, but things go horribly wrong. ("Tilly Tour")
- The Remingtons visit the Greens' house for the first time, but tensions rise when both families' differences clash with each other, resulting in a huge disagreement which is eventually resolved. ("Dinner Party")
- A retail riot at Price Busters is held on Thanksgiving. ("Big Deal")
- Tilly meets the grumpy next-door neighbor Mr. Grigorian and becomes attached to his cat, Anoush, and tries to hang out with him no matter what. Upon learning Anoush is Mr. Grigorian's only friend, she manages to convince him to compromise, allowing Anoush to visit her whenever he wants. ("Forbidden Feline")
- Cricket and Gloria get the last sack of coffee beans. ("Coffee Quest")
- Gloria meets Chip Whistler for the first time. ("Coffee Quest")
- Cricket almost leaves Big Coffee after clearing his debt, but Gloria allows him to stay an employee. ("Coffee Quest")
- Phoenix runs away because Cricket is not taking care of her, alongside catching the scent of a familiar face, so the Greens and Remy hunt for her all over Big City. ("Phoenix Rises")
- Nancy Green is released from prison. ("Phoenix Rises", "Uncaged")
- Wanting to be like their rebellious mother, Cricket and Tilly release all of the zoo animals, causing chaos throughout Big City. ("Uncaged")
- Nancy is almost arrested, but Cricket and Tilly confess emotionally, causing Keys to let them off. ("Uncaged")
- Bill temporally gets a job at the Beef Up Corporation, but quits upon learning the kids prefer him better than fancy stuff. ("Night Bill")
- Cricket impulsively buys a pet snake Snakey, but without thinking of anything, the snake causes disasters for the family and he passes him to Remy. ("Cheap Snake")
- Kiss Kiss Pet Pet shuts down. ("Cheap Snake")
- Cricket and Gramma Alice race Tilly to the store. ("Harvest Dinner")
- Tilly wins a trophy for dodging. ("Winner Winner")
- Gramma signs up for Boomba lessons. ("Winner Winner")
- Big Coffee hosts its open-mic, and Tilly discovers Gramma's ventriloquist dummy, Henry, which irks Cricket. ("Hiya Henry")
- The Greens play the People Watching game. ("People Watching")
- Cricket faces his fears of the dentist and has his "Hurty Tooth" extracted. ("Hurty Tooth")
- Tilly and Andromeda have a sleepover at the latter's house. While there, they are inspired by a magazine article and attempted to stay up until sunrise to form a psychic link. ("Sleepover Sisters")
- The Stingers come back to exact their revenge on Nancy for leaving them by stealing her trailer. ("Trailer Trouble")
- Cricket and his family watch Remington Manor while the Remingtons go to a faraway beach. Russell eventually declares he hates beaches after getting bit by a crab. ("Mansion Madness")
- The Greens attend the Valentine's Day dance where Cricket experiences love for the first time, when he meets a pretty girl named Gabriella Espinosa who wants to dance with him. ("Valentine's Dance")
- Cricket goes on patrol with Keys to catch a litterbug, only to find out he's the litterbug himself. ("Green Streets")
- Tilly spuns Gramma on a trip to the park, and temporarily replaces her with Phylis. ("Park Pandemonium")
- Cricket inspires playground designer Wyatt to make an even better playground to compensate for his boring Foamland, and construct the wild and dangerous Funtopia which nearly kills its visitors. ("Park Pandemonium")
- Cricket and Tilly have a taste of Gramma's "Feel Better Butter Biscuits" and become smitten with them. Bill quips he hasn't seen them in years. ("Cricket's Biscuits")
- Alice sheds her fifth tear. ("Cricket's Biscuits")
- In order to get a free muffin, Cricket lets skunks in Big Coffee. ("Skunked")
- Saxon is destroyed by Nancy, but repaired afterwards. ("Axin' Saxon")
- Cricket and Remy, tired of adults telling them what to do, move out into their own apartment with no rules, but it all goes downhill and they eventually return home. ("Cricket's Place")
- Tilly volunteers for Adoption Day at the Big City Animal Shelter. ("Volunteer Tilly")
- Upon watching The Prank Tank, Cricket and Gramma decide to prank Bill out of his own accord, but it goes too far and a mean chihuahua from the shelter attacks them. ("Volunteer Tilly")
Season 2[]
- Despite having his head completely shaved bald, Cricket faces his fears and appears in a commercial for Big Coffee. ("Cricket's Kapowie")
- Bill temporarily trades the Kludge for BigTech's high-tech car named the Vrum. ("Car Trouble")
- Bill finds out they don't get many visitors because Gramma pretends that she's a wicked swamp witch. ("Urban Legend")
- Cricket starts a fake wishing well to trick people into giving him their money, but when Tilly uses it, he is faced with a big decision over which conscience he should trust: either his devil and spend the money, or his angel and apologize to Tilly for swindling her. ("Wishing Well")
- Gloria almost leaves Big City. ("Elevator Action")
- Remy becomes obsessed with internet celebrity Itchaboi and becomes obnoxious, and almost moves onto his ship, but Cricket stops him and shows him who he is. ("Bad Influencer")
- Tilly films a video of Bill giving grouting instructions. ("Bad Influencer")
- Christmas comes to Big City, the Greens celebrating their first in the city. ("Green Christmas")
- Cricket has a big fight with Tilly and destroys the Hudkins department store Christmas tree, causing him and Tilly to be deemed "naughty". ("Green Christmas")
- The real Santa Claus meets Cricket; while initially tempted by the shiny present he is offered, Cricket rejects it, instead asking for Tilly to be put back on the nice list, which later gets himself on the nice list as well because of his selfless act of putting Tilly's needs before his own. ("Green Christmas")
- People start avoiding Wholesome Foods due to posting a viral video of Chip Whistler pelting Cricket with tomatoes from "Feud Fight". ("Reckoning Ball")
- The Greens' house is almost destroyed by Chip's wrecking ball, but Keys, who was patrolling the area at that time, defended them. ("Reckoning Ball")
- Mr. Whistler forces Chip to apologize to the Greens for his actions. ("Reckoning Ball")
- Chip becomes the CEO of Wholesome Foods. ("Reckoning Ball")
- Shortly after assuming his new position, Chip reveals his sincerity to the Greens was just a ploy and he used them to seize complete control of Wholesome Foods so he can focus on running them out of town. ("Reckoning Ball")
- While Tilly and Andromeda are eating at the cafe, Gloria tells them about her plans for a girls' night out at a local club. Thinking she forgot them, they join her and try to "regain" her memories ("Clubbed").
- Bill presents Cricket the movie Constellation Battles, but constantly spoils it. ("Clubbed")
- Tween pop singer Zillon Brax disappears from the public, attempting to live a normal life. ("Impopstar")
- During this, Cricket is mistaken for Zillon while Zillon goes to hang with the Greens. ("Impopstar")
- Cricket and Zillon meet after saving the former from the latter's crazy fan Amaryllis, surprised at how identical they are, and both eventually go back to their former lives. ("Impopstar")
- Remy and Cricket attend the annual Lil' Bengals Football Camp to impress Russell. ("Football Camp")
- A heatwave strikes Big City. ("Heat Beaters")
- After Cricket causes damage to the backyard, he puts the blame on aliens to get out of getting in trouble. Unfortunately, Bill knew it was him the whole time. ("Bill-iever")
- The Greens go to the beach, and Cricket tries to prank everyone with a fake shark which nearly gets him killed. ("Shark Objects")
- Cricket influences his family's dreams, though this backfires spectacularly. ("Dream Weaver")
- Remy gets the Bintendo Twist Plus and gives his Bintendo Twist Minus to Cricket, which Bill becomes addicted to. ("Level Up")
- The Greens expand their planting to the roofs of Big Coffee. ("Level Up")
- Cricket's annual feral "itch" takes over when Bill fails to give him a proper camping trip, causing him to go loose in Big City and manipulate his family and Remy into becoming feral like him. ("Wild Side")
- While cleaning out the garage, Cricket and Tilly discover mementos from Gramma's younger years, and she tells tall tales over how she got them and met a mysterious stranger. Bill, telling the true stories, reveals that the stranger was her late husband Ernest, and it was how they first met and got engaged. ("Garage Tales")
- Cogburn leads a revolution against Phoenix's rule in an attempt to go inside the house. ("Animal Farm")
- Another man named Bill Green is inspired by the real Bill Green's business to start one of his own. ("Animal Farm")
- Cricket treats his family to a free dinner at Crispy's, but the side-effects of his plan are revealed and he is eventually punished for it. ("Desserted")
- Father's Day comes to Big City, and Tilly discovers Bill doesn't like her gifts. ("The Gifted")
- Remy gets the third seat in the Youth Metropolitan Orchestra. ("Time Crisis")
- The Greens get their first smartphones. ("Gramma Driver")
- Gramma holds a Swyft driving service, where her best customers turn out to be an outlaw couple named Bash and Bella. ("Gramma Driver")
- After struggling to update her looks, Tilly decides to get her ears pierced. ("Tilly Style")
- Cricket stages an uprising when Bill refuses to let him leave his chair when he won't eat his zucchini after six consecutive nights of having it. ("Tilly Style")
- Cricket purchases a farming robot to get out of chores, but it causes Bill to lose his sense of identity. ("I, Farmbot")
- The Greens attend Farm Con where the kids help Bill and Chip become fast friends. However, they soon realize Chip is still evil since the events of "Reckoning Ball", and he nearly ruins his big speech and the family's reputation but they manage to stop him. ("Friend Con")
- Bill reunites with his childhood friend, Good Ol' Joe. ("Friend Con")
- Cricket is pulled into a pyramid scheme by con artist John. ("Flimflammed")
- On Saxon's birthday, Tilly meets high-profile girl Cantaloupe Sinclair and her friends, Willow and Ashton, and manages to stand up to Cantaloupe for her overly controlling behavior. ("Dolled Up")
- Cricket reencounters Gabriella and with the unrequited help from Remy, tries to get closer to her; when all else fails, Community Sue reveals she likes him, and he sneaks onto her bus where he reveals his feelings for her. She confesses her feelings for him as well prior to her vacation to Montreal, and they become a couple. ("Gabriella's Fella")
- Tilly temporarily fills in for Community Sue while she's gone, and lets the power go to her head. ("Gabriella's Fella")
- The Greens' trip to a street fair is nearly cancelled because their "production costs" were running short, so they decide to go without buying anything. ("Cheap Show")
- Tilly has the Greens take part in Gwendolyn's Flawless You! project to remove their chaotic personalities, but she ultimately chooses to keep them the way they are. ("Green Mirror")
- Cricket finds two tickets to The Barnacle Banquet, and he soon takes advantage of Tilly and Remy when they both want the extra. ("Cricket's Tickets")
- Cricket encounters his favorite superhero performers and helps them stand up for themselves when they are humiliated by the Croblin performers. ("Times Circle")
- Tilly and Remy perform a play she wrote, The Specter of Affection, which they constantly change to impress the people waiting in line for the theater. ("Times Circle")
- Gramma becomes a co-host on I Hate It! with Tuck Offerman, but leaves when she refuses to insult Cricket standing up to the Croblins. ("Times Circle")
- Gramma gets cataract surgery. ("Super Gramma!")
- Remy celebrates his tenth birthday at Snuggly Pete's House of Pizza. ("Present Tense")
- Nancy gets the kids a dirt bike, but an accident causes Cricket to be traumatized, later deciding to make everything around him safer after Bill teaches him the "Uh-oh technique". ("Hurt Bike")
- The Greens visit the Big City Library, where they try to find a book Cricket will like, but the strict librarian threatens to kick them out if they make even the slightest noise. ("Quiet Please")
- Tilly teaches the Greens American Sign Language, but they don't understand it well. ("Quiet Please")
- When Cricket finds the perfect book his style - a graphic novel - and begins reading loud enough for the librarian to hear, Bill takes the heat and does a really loud scream so the librarian can come after him instead, causing him to be banned from all libraries worldwide. ("Quiet Please")
- Cricket fakes a "Bring Your Family To Work Day" at Big Coffee to trick his family into doing his job for him, which Gloria detests, but Ms. Cho approves. ("Chipwrecked")
- Cricket stops taking Chip seriously, to his chagrin. ("Chipwrecked")
- Chip, driven to the brink of insanity, starts trying to force Big Coffee out of business, but Cricket knows he will fail. He soon decides to change his future after taking advice from his dad too well by firing Greg and Rose and replacing them with a bouncer squad, and bribing Ms. Cho into giving Big Coffee to him. As a result, Cricket and Gloria are fired and Chip now plots expanding Wholesome Foods property to where the Greens' house is, leaving the Greens and Gloria to panic and await the inevitable. ("Chipwrecked")
- Chip buys out the Elkins Apartment as well, forcing everyone to evict their apartments. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Big Coffee is demolished, along with the Elkins Apartment and the rooftop garden, as part of the Wholesome Foods expansion plan, and the Wholesome Foods Megastore is constructed in their place around the Greens' house, resulting in troubled farming which almost causes the family to move. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Nancy, Remy and Vasquez meet Chip for the first time. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Gloria gets a job at the Megastore, therefore betraying Cricket, but is fired twice some time later. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Chip signs a fake petition to get the Greens banned from Big City, but Cricket and Remy find out the truth. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Nancy is sent to jail again, but let out afterwards. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Tilly encourages the family to not back down, and her speech is broadcast by Channel 11 News to all of Big City, inspiring the citygoers to stand up for the family. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Chip is banned from Big City for life, and in return, loses his job as Wholesome CEO, the Megastore is officially closed and demolished. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- The Greens' house is saved a second time, and Elkins Street is restored back to its former state, but Big Coffee is left vacant. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Chip Whistler is thought to be dead after the wreckage of his helicopter is found with him nowhere in sight. ("Chipped Off")
- Gloria moves in with the Greens. ("Chipocalypse Now")
- Shortly after settling in with the Greens, Gloria's parents end up visiting her to hear of her success, so she pretends to be successful with herself and the Greens help keep up the act. ("'Rent Control")
- When Gloria's parents reveal they were only concerned with bragging about her success rather than her actual well being, she is forced to tell the truth and reveals she's a failure. Her parents are not disappointed and apologize for the way they treated her, and admit they're proud of her trying and have the best family to help her out. ("'Rent Control")
- Cricket tries to find the best pool in Big City, but keeps making his family miss out on the fun. ("Pool's Gold")
- Bill is temporarily hailed a hero after saving a little boy. ("Pool's Gold")
- New Year's Eve comes, and Cricket, now a relationship expert, teams up with Tilly to help Gloria ask out Kevin. ("Big Resolution")
- Gloria ends up ruining New Year's Eve when attempting to climb atop the Times Circle Cube with Cricket and Tilly to look for Kevin, and their weight causes the cube to drop early. ("Big Resolution")
- Nancy and Gramma take on the Penguin Plunge, which Bill nearly chickens out on. ("Big Resolution")
- Gloria finally confesses her feelings to Kevin, but he rejects her for now; however, she's not upset about it and feels brave. ("Big Resolution")
- Big City has a surprise one day snowfall. On that day, Cricket and Remy challenge Vasquez to a snowball fight which turns into an all-out war, while Tilly and Nancy build a snowperson and attempt to give it the day it deserves. ("Winter Greens")
- Remy invites Cricket, Tilly and Kiki to play Mages & Mazes, but his overzealous rules drive them nuts. ("Mages & Mazes")
- The Greens and Remy go out for a karaoke night where Kara Karaoke asks them to pick the song true to themselves. While the others are successful, Tilly is unable to pick a song for herself because none of them are perfect for her, so she creates her own song. ("Okay Karaoke")
- Gabriella comes back from Montreal. ("Date Night")
- Cricket and Gabriella plan their first date as a couple, but not the overly romantic type -- just to go out and see the new America Rat movie, with Bill as their chaperone. But Bill ends up taking the "date" aspect too far and takes them to a fancy sky diner instead, much to their dismay. ("Date Night")
- A conflict sparks between Cricket and Tilly following her sealing up Cricket's secret passageway, leading to their rooms (and eventually the whole house) split in half. Gloria and Gramma view this as reality TV entertainment and manipulate the two to fight even more, but it all goes out of control and the two help them reconcile. ("The Room")
- During a rehearsal, Cricket overhears - becomes addicted to - a swear word ("blort") used by Gramma and ends up using it all over the community center, even passing it on to the others despite Bill's objections. He eventually learns his lesson and decides that's not the type of person he wants to be. ("Bleeped")
- When sales diminish at the Greens' stand, they try in vain to bring in customers; through Gloria's advice though, they learn to advertise their stand through social media, and build a new roof sign, thus making their stand a hit. ("Sellouts")
- A Burger Clown opens next door to the Green house, and Cricket bets he and Tilly can eat there all the time with no problem; however, said bet results in Cricket bloated and Tilly ill, but this does not stop Cricket until Bill helps him see the error of his ways. The restaurant is eventually closed when he and Bill are stuck in both ends of the play place slide. ("Fast Foodie")
- Cricket detests Tilly's "spaghetti theory" where citizens' lives can intertwine with each other, but discovers the truth soon enough. ("Spaghetti Theory")
- Remy signs up for DingDong and gets Cricket to gain followers by performing dangerous stunts, only to harm him of his own accord. ("Ding Dongers")
- Gloria gives Tilly her phone, only for her to forsake it shortly after. ("Ding Dongers")
- Benny becomes a platinum DingDonger by filming Cricket and Remy's stunt at the park. ("Ding Dongers")
- Cricket and Tilly visit Big Animation where they have clashing ending ideas for the season finale of Kingdom of Lore. Though Cricket repeatedly insists that his nonsense ending be made, Tilly manages to get Ed Zecutive to reconsider and produce her more sensible ending instead, albeit with bits of Cricket's ending to make him happy. ("Animation Abomination")
- A man named Rick parks his van outside the Green house hence it's the closest he could find to get his pregnant wife to the hospital; as a result, Cricket and Gramma assume some random jerk parked there for days and get rid of it, but soon regret and are forced to help Rick find it. They soon realize Rick is not the jerk they assumed he'd be, and apologize. ("The Van")
- Little League season begins, with The Sue-Zers competing against The Elites. When Nancy joins the Sue-Zers to help them win, she ends up teaching them bad sportsmanship and thus start treating the Elites like they're the injured party, so they throw the match for their sake. ("Bat Girl")
- Tilly revives her alter ego, Cousin Jilly, to keep up for Cricket's sake. ("Cousin Jilly")
- Gloria secretly opens a café in the Big Coffee building illegally, which Keys soon discovers, and Gloria is jailed briefly but let out. ("Gloria's Café")
- Gramma uses her retirement funds to have Gloria purchase the building, and they begin construction on the Gloria + Green Café. ("Gloria's Café")
Between Seasons 2 and 3[]
- The Gloria + Green Café officially opens.
- Chip Whistler fakes his death.
Season 3[]
- A year after "Blood Moon", the Greens host a Halloween party while Tilly goes behind Bill's back and uses a BigTech chemical to help Bill's pumpkins grow; however, the chemical turns them into zombies which take over the party. ("Squashed!")
- After "Squashed!", on Christmas Eve, Cricket and Remy get snowed in and the family meets up in a VR game, Outpost Infinity. ("Virtually Christmas")
- Gloria sees a drop in her café rating from Community Sue and tries to impress her. ("Boss Life")
- Cricket becomes temporary boss of the Gloria + Green Café while Gloria is away. ("Boss Life")
- During a blackberry harvest, Bill starts a "Live, Laugh, Love" campaign to help his family think more positively, but Cricket and Gramma rebel against it. Bill soon discovers it's wrong to force positivity on his family and instead asks them to show their feelings more honestly. ("Papaganda")
- The Big Buddy, Lil' Buddy program is held, and Cricket is paired with the rambunctious Chase where he tries to train him but secretly uses him just to get the free pizza at the end, while Tilly is paired with a girl named Emma who forms a cult of worshippers which she finds uncomfortable. ("Little Buddy")
- Bill is given a free spa day. "(Zen Garden")
- A Free Splishees day is held at Sip 'n Snak, but Cricket cannot get in because of the "no shoes" rule. Cricket decides he has to stick to his principles in life, which in turn leaves him banned from the store for life. ("No Service")
- Vasquez has his 10-year Body Guard-aversery. While trying to help Vasquez find the missing kids, Bill inadvertently falls into the doings of Viper Fang's group, The Order of the Fang. ("Takened")
- Tilly and Bill recycle a florescent light bulb. ("Green Greens")
- Tilly resolves Alice's and Mr. Grigorian
- Trivia Night is held at the café. ("Trivia Night")
- Tilly is punished for the first time ever, and temporarily goes bad as a result. ("Big Trouble")
- Bill makes friends with Doug Perkins. ("DependaBill")
- The Greens' old house is put up for sale. ("Dirt Jar")
- After turning a profit with the family business, the Greens move back to the country, leaving the city, Gloria and Gramma behind. However, the family initially has trouble adapting to the new living conditions, but they persevere and get familiarized. ("The Move")
- Remy sells out the country farm to a study abroad program so he can stay with Cricket; he is to report to his parents every Sunday on what he learned so he can keep staying. ("The Move")
- Some time after the move, Gloria gets a visit from Chip disguised as a ghost, and not recognizing him, tells him that the Greens have moved back to Smalton, sending him into a depression. ("Chipped Off")
- Remy learns the ways of country life from Cricket. ("Country Side")
- Tilly moves into her own room. ("Country Side")
- Tilly starts writing letters to Andromeda. ("Pen Pals")
- Remy meets Cricket's old friend, who is a teenager. Tilly drives a tire. ("Junk Mountain")
- Phoenix retrieves Saxon from Gramma's house. ("Homeward Hound")
- Gramma moves to the country for an extended stay. ("Homeward Hound")
- Tilly has her Cornoration ceremony. ("Frilly Tilly")
- Cricket dreams where he gets trapped in a never-ending montage while trying to become a sheep rodeo champion. ("Montaged")
- The Greens receive an order from Mama Roni's, but the delivery girl imagines them as marauding zombies out to eat her from a movie she just saw. ("Pizza Deliverance")
- The family gets a new horse, but Tilly doesn't like it. ("Horse Girl")
- Remy doesn't learn anything by the time his parents call him, so he asks the Greens to help him lie. ("Study Abroad")
- Cricket plans a heist to steal honey from the adults. ("Honey Heist")
- Smalton's dog mayor Beans is up for reelection unopposed, so Cricket has Phoenix run against him. ("Dog Mayor")
- During a visit to Lake Smalton, Cricket discovers Bill's fun-loving side. ("Chill Bill")
- Rabbits invade the Green farm, and Nancy calls up everyone they met as reinforcements, but Bill takes over. ("Bunny Farm")
- Gramma and Remy return to Big City, where Vasquez has been planning a welcome home dinner and Gloria has been waiting for her co-owner to sign the permit renewal before the man delivering them retires. ("Long Goodbye")
- Cricket, Tilly, and Bill move back in with Gramma, while Nancy moves in to the country house. ("Long Goodbye")
Between Seasons 3 and 4[]
- Chip Whistler sneaks back into Big City in the guise of "Norm Alguy" to start a second chance at life and reinvent himself as a reformed man, but soon finds it boring. ("Chipped Off")
- Chip reverts to his old evil self and finds out the Greens have returned to Big City; since the day they moved in, he spies on them in disguise as Norm, while hiding out in the sewers and plotting even bigger revenge on the family and all of Big City for turning on him. ("Chipped Off")
Season 4, first half[]
- Cricket, Tilly, and Bill stop at a truck stop between Big City and Smalton. ("Truck Stopped")
- Tilly temporarily becomes a commercial jingle writer. ("Jingled")
- Bill meets his comedy idol, Fred the Farmer, only to discover he's not a farmer as he thought. ("Stand-Up Bill)
- While the other Greens are out doing chores with Nancy at the country house, Cricket fakes an arm injury to get out of work so he can secretly practice for a video call with Gabriella; in doing so, he causes a huge mess of the kitchen out of anxiety and Nancy's strawberry cake in the windowsill is mysteriously eaten, and Nancy thinks Cricket ate it, thus missing the call. After a trial, it was revealed Nick was the one who took the cake from the window and ate it while everyone was busy. ("Green Trial")
- Nick's trailer has burnt down, and he moves in to the country house with Nancy. ("Bad Dad")
- The Greens' stand suffers a drop in profit, and Bill's attempt to provide for the kids only results in him hoarding and clogging the whole house. ("Junk Junkie")
- Cricket gains a powerful handshake to one-up Bill's archrival Joshua, but it gets to his head. ("Handshaken")
- Gloria hires a shift manager, Jade, to help balance her social life. ("Coffee Mates")
- Bill gets his first grey hair. ("Coffee Mates")
- The Greens attend a hockey game between the Big City Icicles and Mid City Meteors. ("Iced")
- Greg, now having ditched his Wholesome persona, is the first to find out Chip Whistler faked his death, and is forced to join him as his number two lackey. ("Chipped Off")
- Croblins ice cream bars get recalled due to various complaints of chipped teeth from the gumball eyes. ("Internetted")
- Friendship Day is held at the community center, and Cricket and Remy discover Gregly doesn't have any real friends because of his bad temper; they later help him find someone who likes him for what he truly is in a group of grumpy elders. ("Guiding Gregly")
- Tilly discovers the apple tree Bill grew up with. ("Family Tree")
- Remy refuses protection from Vasquez at a medieval party, which upsets him. ("Unguarded")
- A nature documentary monitors the Greens going about their lives in the form of a wild ecosystem. ("Concrete Jungle")
- Cricket collects a rare Galaxu card that Remy wanted, making him jealous. ("Starter Pack")
- Remy gets temporarily cut off from spending the Remingtons' fortune recklessly. ("Dollar Sense")
- Bill befriends a "cramily" of crows when the other Greens don't appreciate his "Statue Saturday". ("True Cawing")
- The Greens attend the Smalton Fair. ("Fortune Feller")
- The Greens attend the rigged Croblins escape room set up by Chip Whistler. ("No Escape")
- The Greens celebrate Thanksgiving in Smalton. ("Turkey Trouble")
- Nick initially wins Hobble Gobble Go ("Turkey Trouble")
- Cricket breaks the syrup dispenser causing the Greens and Nick to go to the Smalton Thrift Barn ("Hard Bargain")
- Nick is revealed to be scared of antique dolls. ("Hard Bargain")
- Dorothy cures her six day lasting hiccups. ("Hard Bargain")
- Cricket and Bill go find the perfect Christmas tree from Cricket's dream. ("Dream Tree")
- Nick is revealed to have a unique singing voice that he kept unknown since he was 12 years old. ("Dream Tree")
- Tilly catches ennui. ("Blue Greens")
- Gloria learns to be independent. ("Blue Greens")
- Gwendolyn Zapp opens a farming asteroid to harvest crops in space, as well as the first ever space hotel.
- The Greens were preparing for their annual family vacation as the same road trip as every year, which Cricket detests; he tricks his family into getting involved with a mission in space to harvest Gwendolyn's crops on the farming asteroid.
- Onboard the S.S. Gwendolyn, the Greens meet Commander Colleen Voyd, who lives up to the standards of Gwendolyn's Zapp-stronaut rulebook.
- Tilly discovers a failed BigTech experiment, a green blob creature whom she names Cookie, who can destroy any glass it touches.
- Tilly's journal is sucked out of the ship's airlock, and she is given a space recorder to record her travels.
- Remy has his first conga line.
- Cookie is passed down to Colleen as a partner.
- The space hotel is destroyed by the farming asteroid.
Season 4, second half[]
- Remy's grandmother passes away. ("Good Grief")
- The Greens celebrate 100 weeks since they first moved to Big City. ("One Hundred")
Alternate realities[]
- If Remy got the first chair in the orchestra:
- He attends Big City University.
- He graduates with seven degrees and becomes a world-class surgeon and celebrity chef.
- He runs for mayor of Big City and wins the election.
- He starts his own business of selling his own ranch dressing.
- He passes away on November 12, 2094 at 5:22 PM.
- If Remy got the last chair in the orchestra:
- He gets rejected from Big City University and attends Clown College instead .
- He loses the mayor election to Benny.
- He becomes a waif living alone "in the gutter".
- Vasquez retires and returns to working in the special forces.
- Cricket's predicted future 20 years from now:
- The Green house will have upgraded technology.
- Cricket still looks the same he does now, but with longer arms and legs.
- Cricket still lives at home since Bill couldn't bear to let him go.
- Gramma uploads her consciousness to the cloud so she can permanently live her life as a robot.
- Phoenix clones herself.
- Tilly moves out to live with an otter family.
- Cricket still works at Big Coffee, but Gloria owns the place and treats him harshly.
- Cricket becomes a movie stunt guy, but it goes wrong.
- Cricket becomes a reputable pyrotechnics salesman, but the pyrotechnics would blow up in his face.
- Cricket becomes a banker, only to get fired for not knowing anything about banking.
- Cricket eventually ends up "in the gutter" with Remy.
- Cricket and Remy's shared predicted future:
- Cricket and Remy have robotic bodies like in Cricket's future.
- The series takes place in 2021, prior to "Big Resolution".
- This is because that Cricket is confirmed to be born in 2011 and is 10 years old, thus it is 2021.
- After "Big Resolution", the year changed to 2022, although not shown on-screen or mentioned.
- The series takes place over a period of two years.