Big City Greens Wiki
Big City Greens Wiki

Hey Guys!

So, this is my first blog post! In this post, I thought I'll introduce what I want to do with these posts, and why they're important to me.

So, let's start with what I'll do with these blogs:

1. Big City Coffee Talk: Back in The Milo Murphy's Law Wiki, one of my regular series on that blog is an analysis corner of the show and all it's features titled "The Milo Zone". It has been on a bit of a hiatus unfortunately, but I do aim to make the analysis corner for this wiki (titled "Big City Coffee Talk") a weekly feature. My first one (hopefully coming out today) will talk about why this show is so great (discussing some of the deeper stories, arcs and character personalities on show) an next weeks is planned to be about Gloria and Crickets relationship and how I rank their episodes (because of the new one that will come out August 8th, and because I'm dying to talk about them!).

2. First Impressions: In the MML Wiki, we've been on a... hard hiatus, to say the least. So I'm not used to episodes coming out while I blog. So that I'll talk about episodes without reviewing them (yet...), First Impressions will be exactly what it says on the tin: First Impressions of the latest episodes. My first one will be about Cricket's Shoes and Feud Fight (Spoilers: Those two were good!). This won't be my final opinion (those will be kept for my Every Episode Of series I'm planning) but they will be fun places to share current opinions of current episodes, and a chance for me to talk about said episodes.

3. Up Next in the City!: Connected to First Impressions, Up Next in the City! will talk about the very next episode to premier, in which I express what I think will happen, what I'm excited or worried for and my prediction on it's quality. In this case, we'll talk about Breaking News and Cyberbullies.

4. Every Episode of Big City Greens Reviewed: Like PieGuyRulz legendary series, I will review every episode!... Eventually. See, I need time and many veiwings to review. And I'm very busy with my Milo Murphy's Law version of this. So you'll have to wait for this. But trust me, it'll be epic!

Anyway, that's the plan!

Now, one more thing: Blog posts are important. Why, you may ask? Because it's a chance to share opinions. To talk to each other in a civil manner. To see what we all think of an episode, feature, character. It's a cornerstone of fandom, and I will treat it with the respect it deserves. And I hope that one day, this wiki will have many, many blogs by others, not just me. An we'll all be one, happy, family.

Thanks for reading!

The Milo Murphy's Law Wiki Guy.

P.s, Share you're thoughts!
